Friday, 20 July 2012

2012, Visiting Durai.


This year we have been unable to bring Mir to Durai, so I set off to the Anambas Islands to visit the Kingdom of Durai and bring back news!

Nina Marliana and her family hosted me at Nongkat island near Matak. The weather was rough so it was not easy to get to Pulau Durai and we had to wait a few days before a boat would take us. Finally we arrived and met again with Pak Lahanie and his family. Emilia Julianie has grown and is a healthy joyful three year old.


Pak Lahanie continues to be busy checking on the turtles and moving logs and trash that block their passage up the nesting beaches.



This photo shows how much rubbish was washed up since a turtle left her tracks the previous night. Only Pak Lahanie and his family live on this island and the rubbish washes in from the sea from other islands.


The newly hatched turtles have many obstacles between them and the open sea:-
Water bottles, flip flops, ropes, cans, lighters, cigarette packets, Polystyrene boxes, drinking straws,
broken plastic toys,
and lots more.


So although it was a delight to visit Pulau Durai again, there was a sadness because of the reality of the state of our oceans and beaches.



Back at Nongkat island we enjoyed the beautiful bay. Unfortunately, here too, plastic bags and noodle packets wash up on the beach.
There is no escaping this scourge.
Some of the local fish traps were packed full of plastic rubbish.

Then one day we saw a turtle with trash caught around the flipper and into its mouth so that every time it moved to swim it was pulling whatever was caught in its throat, and blood would come out of its mouth. There is no vet in the area so all we could do for the turtle was cut the line off. The turtle sped away and hopefully will thrive many more years.


We Plan to return and implement some trash management, and are working to secure funding for this endeavour.


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